Subsidy Enrollment

St. Teresa Parish is offering a Parish Subsidy for qualifying families with children enrolling at Catholic Central Elementary and Junior High School for the school year. Forms are now available in the back of the church, in the business office, and on the web site.

Families seeking a Parish Subsidy must return the completed forms directly to the Parish Business Office, via mail or hand delivery. Do not fax or email the form. Do not return the form to Catholic Central.

Qualification for a Parish Subsidy will be determined by criteria, that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. The family must be registered at St. Teresa Church.
  2. The family must, on a continuing basis, adhere to the terms of the Policy for Parish Subsidy, as outlined on the form.
  3. The form must be signed and dated by the person responsible for adhering to the terms outlined on the form.

Mass attendance and envelope use will be reviewed on a regular basis. Any evidence that the terms of the Policy for Parish Subsidy are not being adhered to may cause the balance of the Parish Subsidy to be withheld.

Any questions about this policy should be directed to Chelsea Martinez at 342-8861. 

Click here to download the Parish Subsidy Form