The Lector Ministry provides a service to the parish community by proclaiming the Word of God through the readings at Mass. The Lector can do much to enhance the celebration of the liturgy through careful and prayerful proclamation of the Word, which can touch and move the assembly. Lectors also offer petitions and read announcements.
This ministry is open to all practicing Catholics. Training is available to help individuals become familiar with the procedures, as well as to provide hints on proper delivery, pacing, and emphasis. Involvement in this ministry helps members of our community grow in their appreciation for and understanding of
Scripture. By proclaiming God's Word, ministers help the Holy Spirit speak to the hearts of those at Mass. Contact Mary Caputo at 342-8861 ext 512 or email at
Cantors lead the people of God in sung prayer and thanksgiving. To enhance the weekend masses and other celebrations associated with the Church year St. Teresa Church offers a song leader program for the weekend masses on Sunday at 8:00a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Opportunities are open throughout the year for all members of St. Teresa as young as fifth grade to our more mature parish members. Contact Joan Gould at 937-342-8861.
Eucharistic Ministers exercise the roles of host and servant at the Eucharistic banquet. They distribute the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ at Mass. Eucharistic Ministers serve on teams and are scheduled in advance for Masses. They provide a service to the parish community by distributing Communion at weekend Masses.
This ministry is open to all practicing Catholics. Training is available to help individuals become familiar with the procedures and fulfill their obligation with dignity and reverence. All Masses need your help. For more information contact Mary Caputo at 342-8861 ext 512
The role of altar server is to serve God, the Priests and the people of God by assisting them at weekday and Sunday Masses. Altar Servers participate fully in the liturgy through prayers, song and action. Servers are trained and instructed in the parts of the liturgy, the order of the Mass, proper decorum, and care for sacred articles and garments.
Training is available to anyone in fourth grade or older. We especially welcome parents willing to serve with their children and retired and/or former servers. For more information contact Mary Caputo at 342-8861 ext. 512 or email at
This ministry provides families or individuals the opportunity to actively participate at Mass by presenting the bread and wine during the offering of the gifts that begins the Liturgy of the Eucharist portion of the Mass. To be scheduled contact Mary Caputo at 342-8861 ext. 512.
Ushers provide hospitality, direction, and safety at Sunday Masses and other special liturgies. Before Mass, ushers foster a sense of community by welcoming members of our parish and visitors. During Mass ushers conduct the collections and direct those receiving Holy Communion. Following all weekend Masses, ushers distribute the weekly bulletin then ensure the church is ready for the next Mass. For more information contact Mark Sullivan at 964-1292.
Sacristans perform many acts of preparation and cleaning to ensure an appropriate and beautiful worship environment for our liturgical celebrations. Their activities include preparation for Baptisms, funerals, and weddings. This group cleans the church, washes and irons altar linens, washes and refills holy water bowls, orders necessities and performs other acts of cleaning and preparation. For more information contact Joann Wright at 342-8861 ext. 524.
We provide a Liturgy in Spanish for area residents every Sunday at 2:00 pm. Father Carlos Moreno preside at the Sunday Mass and also hear confessions. The parish also prepares candidates, parents, and sponsors for the reception of sacraments. Baptism and Holy Communion preparation is by appointment. and as scheduled for the group.
During the year we have several special Latin American celebrations and traditions, such as the Holy Cross at Easter, Our Lady of Guadalupe with the traditional Mañanitas as well as Mass in her honor, followed by the Posadas, preparation for Christmas, Three Kings Day among other celebrations. The dates are scheduled according to the calendar that is shared during the Masses, newsletters and website.
Quinceañeras are celebrated for those young ladies turning 15. (previous preparation).
Spanish/English Missalettes and Bibles are available for participants.
All are welcome!
It is our mission to offer the opportunity for our local Catholic Hispanics to practice their faith, to be integrated into the larger Catholic community, and to help them become participants in the larger community.
We also offer assistance to local residents with translations, as needed, we receive the support of organizations to carry out health fairs, legal advice, courses, and assistance with other difficult situations. For more information contact Orlando Martinez at 342-8861 ext. 514 or email at