Latino Festival
The Latino Festival is held the second Saturday of September. What began in 2013 has grown each year to become a large community event that includes diverse foods, dancing, music, raffles, children activities, and more.
Our parish is the beneficiary of the profits generated by the volunteer efforts of many parish members working together.
Young At Heart
This group of friendly retired folks meet the first Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the church basement to play cards. Elevator access is available, snacks are provided and everyone is welcome!
Parish Picnic
A St. Bernard/St. Teresa parish picnic is held each year on the last Saturday in August, following the 4:30 Mass at St. Bernard. Volunteers from both parishes plan, coordinate and provide the food, drinks, desserts, along with musical entertainment and children’s activities. The upcoming picnic is announced in advance at Mass and in the bulletin. All are welcome, reservations are not needed.
Easter Egg Hunt
Mom volunteers collect donations of candy and small prizes to fill the eggs. The event is held rain or shine and re-located as necessary. The fun begins after 11:00 Mass on Palm Sunday.