Adult Formation

Adult Faith Formation

Throughout the year, Adult Faith Formation provides various programs and studies to enhance and strengthen our Catholic faith. From RCIA which introduces our faith, to Bible Study and seasonal programs for Advent and Lent, to prayer and devotions, Adult Faith Formation provides opportunities to grow in understanding and relationship with God.


Bible Study Group

Our Bible Study is for adults who meet to delve into the Sacred Scriptures. All are welcome to attend. No experience is necessary. We will meet every Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the church basement. For more information contact the Parish Office.


Adult Catholic Inquiry

Our parish program is for those interested in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church. The first sessions are especially designed as a basic introduction to the Gospel values and Catholic beliefs and practices.
This program is also designed for adults who were baptized as infants or children but have not been initiated with all the Easter Sacraments (that is, have not received the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist).
If you are not a member of the Catholic Church but would like to know more about Catholicism or to explore the possibility of becoming Catholic, this is a perfect time to ask questions about Church teachings and what it means to be Catholic. Individuals are under no obligation.
There are three sessions during the summer months that precede entry into RCIA.

For more information call Lucianne Lilienthal at 342-8861 x516 or E-mail at stteresa.reledu@gmail.com  


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Those seeking a deeper relationship with Christ through membership in the Catholic Church, are guided through the RCIA process (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).
Inquiry and study of Catholic traditions and doctrine lead to full participation through the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation) and reflection on the depth of God's love revealed in the Paschal Mystery.

The new Catholic joins the Body of Christ in a lifelong journey of conversion and discipleship. RCIA follows a nine-month program, culminating in full acceptance into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass.

For more information call Lucianne Lilienthal at 342-8861 x516 or E-mail at stteresa.reledu@gmail.com